Torsby kommun
Torsby kommun


  • Sysslebäcks bibliotek
  • Telefon: +4656016644
  • E-post:
  • Postadress:
  • Torsby kommun
  • 202. Biblioteksfilialen i Sysslebäck
  • 680 60 Sysslebäck
  • Besöksadress: Torget 2, Sysslebäck
  • Torsby bibliotek
  • Telefon: +4656016108
  • E-post:
  • Postadress:
  • Torsby kommun
  • 25. Biblioteket Torsby
  • 685 80 Torsby
  • Besöksadress: Fabriksgatan 2, Torsby


  • Anki Olsson
  • Bibliotekssamordnare
  • Tfn: +4656016102
  • Mobil: +46766432616
  • E-post:
  • Besöksadress: Fabriksgatan 2, Torsby
  • Gun-Britt Modén
  • Biblioteksassistent
  • Tfn:
  • Mobil:
  • E-post:
  • Besöksadress: Torget 2, Sysslebäck

Culture and libraries

Torsby has a rich cultural heritage and a lively cultural scene. Cultural organisations, cinemas and public libraries will attract you with their cultural events, the latest movies, and books.

Places of interest

Torsby has many places of interest that are important for the preservation of local traditions and cultural heritage in the area. Thanks to the commitment of many volunteers working for different cultural organisations, activities are organised at these and other locations year-round. You can visit, amongst others:

Upcoming events are announced on and in the local weekly TorsbyBladet, and usually also via posters around the municipality.

Catch a movie or opera!

The cinema “Stjärnan” (The Star) in Torsby centre was the first cinema in Värmland with digital picture & sound and 3D capability. “Bio Nordvärmland” is located in Ambjörby, in the northern part of the municipality.

Even the opera is around the corner. The Stjärnan PLUS programme allows you to follow opera performances live from the Metropolitan Opera in New York at Stjärnan.

Go to Stjärnan or Bioguiden to see what's on, or take a look in the local weekly “TorsbyBladet”.

The library – not just books

Torsby has a well equipped main library, which also serves as a secondary upper school library. A branch library can be found in Sysslebäck. In addition, a mobile library tours the municipality in order to serve other localities in the district.

In these libraries you can borrow books, magazines, audiobooks, DVDs, and language courses. Talking books and large print books are available for the visually impaired. Books, magazines or newspaper articles that are not available on site can be loaned from other libraries in the country thanks to the nationwide loan system. All libraries offer the same services.

The main library in Torsby has a special collection of photographs and other resources for those researching genealogy (family lineage). There are often exhibitions in the main hall. Groups or associations are welcome to book a meeting room.

Computers are available for public use, as well as WIFI access. Public computers are also available in Sysslebäck. The catalogue, as well as some regular library services (such as renewal of loans, ordering books and suggestions of books to be purchased) can be accessed online. You can also download e-books to your computer, reading pad or smartphone. All new-born children receive a book-gift, in order to stimulate early reading habits.

Digidel Center

Digidel Center is a library service providing assistance with telephones, tablets and computers. Contact:

National Government Service Center

At the Main Library in Torsby you also find the National Government Service Center, coordinating services for the Employment Office, the Social Insurance Agency, the Pension Authority and the Tax Authorities. The office is open two days every week.

Opening hours and contact

Main library in Torsby

Mon-Thu 8-18, Fri 8-16, Sat 10-13

Visiting address: Fabriksgatan 2, Torsby

Tel. +46 560 161 08


Library in Sysslebäck

Mon 13-18, Wed 13-18, Fri 13-15

Visiting address: Torget 2, Sysslebäck

Tel. +46 560 166 44


Mobile library ("Bokbussen")

Information and timetable

Tel. +46 70 220 07 39

Limited opening hours

Opening hours are limited during school holidays. Go to the libraries' website for actual information.

Innehållsansvarig: Evelina Nilsson
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