- Startsida torsby.se
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- / Culture, sport and recreation
- / Contributions and grants
- Kulturkansliet
- Telefon: +4656016101
- E-post: kultur@torsby.se
- Postadress:
- Torsby kommun
- 25. Kulturavdelningen
- 685 80 Torsby
- Besöksadress: Fabriksgatan 2, Torsby
Contributions and grants
Torsby Municipality contributes financially to projects, events and ongoing activities in the municipality. Whether you are active in a sports club or a cultural association, your project may be eligible for funding.
Recreation Committee contributions
The Recreation Committee offers opportunities for contributions to different kinds of local clubs and activities:
- Activity contributions for eligible groups with at least five participants aged between 7–25.
- Contributions for premises and facilities for clubs and organisations aimed at activities for young people.
- Youth leadership contributions for training and education of leaders for youth activities.
- Start-up contributions for newly started clubs and associations having at least 15 members, an elected steering committee and statutes.
- Associations or clubs owning permanent premises located in Torsby Municipality and arranging activities aimed mainly at local residents, can receive contributions for their activities.
Contact the municipal Recreation Department at +46 560 166 90 or +46 560 166 93 for more information.
Culture Committee contributions
Each year, a cultural grant is awarded by the municipality, on application or after an external proposal to the cultural committee. The nominees are qualified by having done a contribution within art or other culture in Torsby and are also residents of the municipality or having some other close connection to Torsby.
Youth Culture Grant
Each year, the culture committee awards a culture youth grant. To be qualified for application the youth must be a student of art, music, theatre, dance, film, photo, handicraft, writing or other cultural expression.
Age limit 25 years. The candidate must be a resident of Torsby or have some other connection to Torsby.
The culture grant and the youth culture grant are both awarded at the yearly county council meeting.
Send applications/proposals to: Torsby kommun, 25. Biblioteket, 685 80 Torsby, or via E-tjänster&blanketter. Call +46 560 161 04 if you are interested in receiving more information.
Other funds
Torsby Municipality administers a number of other funds, large as well as small. These funds were created by donations for a range of different purposes. Applications for grants from these funds can be submitted annually in the Spring. More detailed information is usually advertised.
A list of all available funds in Torsby Municipality (in Swedish)
Innehållsansvarig: Annette Lauritzen
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